The majority of sites hosted by Netmasons use AWS load balancers for purposes of redundancy, security and performance. The IP addresses for these load balancers are dynamic by design. While some workarounds are possible to assign static IPs, Netmasons does not implement these because they prevent the full gamut of functionality needed for all security, compliance and high availability requirements.
Netmasons will provide a CNAME entry for your or your preferred DNS entry and from that point onward DNS and SSL will work seamlessly, plus we will handle the SSL certificates for you. However, if your site uses a custom domain name and you want to redirect the apex domain to the www subdomain, for example redirecting to, the recommended path is to use a modern DNS provider that supports CNAME flattening, such as AWS Route 53 or Cloudflare. With CNAME flattening successfully redirects to even via https.
If your DNS provider does not support CNAME flattening then the next best solution is to add a domain redirect from the apex to the www for your domain. Providers like GoDaddy support this capability, however note that using domain redirects only enables a redirect from to and typing directly into the browser will typically result in a certificate error.
If none of the above options are viable then Netmasons does have the ability to host DNS for your domain. While this path is not recommended because there are costs for this service and any DNS changes would run through Netmasons support, it is an available pathway.